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Our Commitment to You During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Updated: May 13, 2020

During this unprecedented time, we know you’ve been inundated with company communications regarding their changing policies due to COVID-19. We’d also like to share with you our commitment to you during this time. Please read on for our new policies to ultimately ensure everyone's health and safety.

We are still accepting tax appointments while maintaining ultimate social distancing practices. These include requiring customers to maintain the 6 feet apart recommendation from the CDC, wiping down all surfaces with antibacterial solutions between clients, and limiting the number of clients who can be in our office at any given time.

In addition, we are offering our tax services contact-free. Our contact-free services include simply uploading your documents to our secure client portal or dropping off your documents at our office during operating hours. Please contact our office to make an appointment or before dropping off your documents to ensure we can complete your returns in a timely manner!

Our Customer Appreciation discounts will continue throughout the new July 15th tax deadline. Please click HERE for our Customer Appreciation pricing.

We will keep you up to date if any of the above policies should change. These changes will be communicated via email, our website, and social media.

We thank you for joining us in our commitment to keeping you safe during this time, and we are committed to continually providing the best service we can! Please contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.


Do you have an idea for a blog post you'd like to share? Perhaps there's a new development we can talk about, or a tax area you're curious about? Email the marketing coordinator at

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Disclaimer: The views presented in this post are meant as educational resources and should not be taken as direct advice for your personal finances or small business. Should you have questions regarding a post relating to your specific finances, please contact us at

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