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New Tax Bill

I have started receiving a lot of questions both from clients and from colleagues about the impacts of the new tax bill on the "average person". A couple things to keep in mind for right now. This bill took effect onJanuary 1, 2018 so the taxes you'll be filing this spring will be following largely the same tax law as last year. The changes made in this bill won't effect taxes filed until the spring of 2019.

I will post several blog posts about the biggest changes that are coming and how they will have an effect on tax returns. If you have specific questions you are always welcome to email them or set up an appointment to discuss them in greater detail. As with anything in the tax realm every person/family and their tax situation is different so please ask if you want clarification rather than listening to the water cooler gossip or what the office "tax expert" is saying because this is the biggest change to the tax system since Ronald Reagan was President and you want to have the correct information at your disposal.

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